Why You Should Choose the Negotiating Coach® – the Top-rated Negotiating Skills Training and Negotiation Coaching Provider
We work with our clients to identify and understand their real-world negotiation challenges and weaknesses that impact performance, business results, and profitability. We tailor our top-rated negotiating skills training programs, negotiation coaching, and consulting solutions to address the client’s critical challenges to improve the client’s organizational performance and outcomes. We’ve helped clients worldwide add hundreds of millions of dollars to their bottom-line profits. We have experience working with people of all experience levels in any industry to improve their negotiation skills.
We offer customized solutions to our clients – needs assessments, tailored in-house negotiating skills training programs, troubleshooting and problem-solving sessions, live in-person negotiation presentations, seminars, learning workshops, post-training implementation and process integration, negotiation coaching packages for companies and individuals, webinars, E-books, audio learning programs, and negotiating personality type and style self-assessments.
Our tailored negotiating skills training programs and coaching expertise help our clients make money, save money, grow market share, improve outcomes, resolve disputes, and improve people’s interpersonal negotiation and communication skills – whether the negotiations are conducted collaboratively or competitively.
Many interdependent variables impact success when people negotiate. As a result of these variables – having better negotiation skills might not be enough to improve outcomes. As a result, we also help our clients improve internal documents – or we can develop done-for-them external written communication templates and tools they can use with customers and vendors – including value proposition messaging, negotiating price increases, capability presentations, business review presentations, blueprinting questions, sales and marketing collateral materials, and managing the RFP/RFI/RFQ and Bid/Tender process.
Negotiation expertise is essential to achieving commercial excellence. We don’t teach academic or theoretical approaches to negotiation. Our top-rated negotiating skills training programs are tailored, results-based, engaging, practical, hard-hitting, and thought-provoking. A commercially successful organization needs a culture that facilitates negotiation excellence to achieve the company’s financial and non-financial objectives.
Practical negotiating skills training and coaching can be the key to organizational and personal success in today’s increasingly complex and competitive marketplace. Investing in our proven negotiating skills training and negotiation coaching expertise can provide members of your organization with a competitive advantage in all types of negotiations.