Tag Archive for: Negotiating Insights

Navigating Healthcare Sales Negotiations in a Changing Landscape

Navigating Healthcare Sales Negotiations in a Changing Landscape

Strategies and Tactics for Success in the Evolving Healthcare Market

Are you and your sales/marketing teams trying to address significant challenges and barriers when negotiating with healthcare institutions?  In the rapidly evolving and challenging world of healthcare, it’s essential to adapt sales, marketing, and negotiation strategies to address the changing dynamics successfully.

Whether you’re dealing with hospitals, clinics, dental practices, imaging centres, group purchasing organizations (GPOs), or healthcare networks, this article will illuminate the evolving healthcare landscape and provide some valuable negotiation insights, strategies, and tips to improve results.

The Reality of Healthcare Sales Negotiations:

In today’s healthcare sector, sales negotiations are more complex than ever.  Procurement teams are becoming savvier negotiators – they are becoming skilled at evaluating vendors and leveraging situational power for cost reductions, added value delivery, and better contractual terms and conditions to achieve savings for strained budgets.  Despite their significant market dominance, even the billion-dollar healthcare suppliers will eventually face customer pressure to reduce pricing and add incremental value to win deals.

The following challenges facing healthcare sales and marketing organizations are problematic:

  1. Surgeons and key opinion leaders (KOL) no longer have the influencing or decision-making power they once did.
  2. Increased sophistication in healthcare product/services sourcing and assessment processes.
  3. Companies with proprietary healthcare products and innovations struggle for market share.
  4. Tight hospital budgets with high non-clinical overhead costs.
  5. Difficulty in reaching decision-makers.
  6. Turnover in healthcare procurement personnel.
  7. Healthcare value-assessment committees lengthening the sales cycle.
  8. Challenges in scheduling product evaluations and trials.
  9. Procurement’s obsession with cost savings.
  10. The continued use of request for proposal (RFP), request for quote (RFQ), and request for information (RFI) processes.
  11. Elongated selling cycles, poorly written value propositions, and weak day-to-day communication practices.
  12. Consultants are driving cost-cutting initiatives. …and many more.

In this article, I’ll delve into some of the intricacies of healthcare sales negotiations.  While I can’t cover everything in this article, I’ll provide several helpful insights, strategies, and tips to navigate this ever-changing environment.

The Changing Face of Healthcare Sales Negotiations:

Gone are the days when surgeons and clinicians solely drove product selection in healthcare. Today, procurement departments wield significant influence, and sales teams must adapt. Investing in negotiating skills training and revising your value proposition messaging is critical for success.

The Impact of Rising Healthcare Costs:

With healthcare costs continuously rising, institutions must cut expenditures while maintaining quality, value-based patient care.  Healthcare sales teams must understand the financial pressures faced by all members of the institution’s ‘buying centre’ and align their offerings and value propositions accordingly.

Negotiating with Procurement: A New Ballgame:

Traditionally, healthcare sales negotiations focused on surgeons and clinicians.  Now, suppliers must cater to the demands of procurement teams.  Don’t overwhelm healthcare procurement and supply chain personnel with too much clinical data; put all the regulatory and clinical information and detailed product specifications in the exhibit or appendix sections at the back of your presentations or proposals (where they belong.)  Don’t waste time showing supply chain personal information that will not influence the final decision.

Additional Insights and Tips for Successful Healthcare Sales Negotiation:

  1. Understand the Procurement Process: Learn procurement teams’ decision-making criteria and priorities.
  2. Understand the Buying Centre: Most sales organizations I teach need to learn how to develop a better working knowledge of the people in any institution who make or influence decisions.
  3. The Sales/Marketing Challenge: Improve alignment and cooperation between your company’s sales, marketing, and product management teams.
  4. Do Your Research: Carefully and thoroughly research customer personnel and information about each institution or customer.
  5. Stay Informed: Keep up with non-clinical healthcare industry trends, regulations, and technologies.
  6. Customize Your Approach: Tailor sales and negotiation strategies to each healthcare institution.
  7. Contract Negotiations: Understand how negotiations impact letters of agreement, supply agreements, and contracts.  Most organizations have seriously flawed contracts.
  8. Emphasize Value and Cost Effectiveness: Highlight the value and cost-effectiveness of your products and/or services. Also, determine the ‘switching costs’ if your company is the incumbent vendor for capital equipment, medical devices, equipment or supplies, and there is a risk of losing business to a lower-priced competitor.
  9. Build Strong Relationships: Foster positive relationships with procurement professionals.  Don’t avoid these people.  Don’t wait to be told by surgeons or other clinical personnel that you must “meet with purchasing” – after you’ve let the “value cat out of the bag.”


In any aspect of healthcare, a one-size-fits-all sales, marketing, and negotiation approach no longer works.  As procurement teams gain prominence and dominance, understanding their needs is critical to successful negotiations.  As healthcare costs rise, providing cost-effective solutions becomes crucial.

Suppliers must spend less time on clinical product education/training and provide sales, marketing, and cross-functional personnel with training in real-world business skills.  Companies need expert troubleshooting advice and negotiation skills training to help build strong relationships with healthcare procurement professionals to secure mutually beneficial deals – without compromising patient care or relationships with clinical personnel.

Remember: A negotiated dollar is a bottom-line dollar.  You can’t make – or save money faster than when you’re negotiating.

Take Action and Invest in Our Expert Negotiating Training and Negotiation Coaching Packages, Negotiation Tools, and Online Course to Become a Better Negotiator.

» Negotiating Skills Training: Book a tailored in-house presentation, seminar or learning workshop for your organization.

Speaking Engagements – Industry Associations and Companies: Book a tailored, engaging, and impactful 60-minute to two-hour presentation at an upcoming meeting, conference or convention.

» Negotiating Coaching Packages: If your company is facing a challenging high-value negotiation and you need an expert to help you or your team – or you own a small business – or you’re an individual who needs practical negotiation advice, you can benefit from my investing in one of my three proven, results-producing negotiation coaching packages for individuals, small business owners or corporations.

» Digital Negotiation Learning Products: You can purchase my three E-books containing powerful strategies and tips.  E-books: Forensic Blueprinting Questions For Effectively Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases and Managing the Price-driven Sale, Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases in Any Economic Environment, and Strategies and Tips on How to Effectively Manage the RFP/RFQ/RFI or Bid/Tender Process to Optimize Results and Outcomes.

You can also purchase the Negotiating Personality Type and Corresponding Negotiating Style Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Interpretation Results and my NEW Digital MP3 “Greatest Hits” Verbal Negotiating Phrases, Scripts, Questions, and Questioning Techniques.  These helpful tools are in digital format and can be easily downloaded.

I provide a discounted Master Negotiator Bundle with all my Digital Learning Products.

» Online Sales Negotiation Course: If you’re in sales, sales management or a cross-functional role that supports sales, you can benefit from enrolling in my NEW self-paced Negotiating for Sales Success online course.

» Meet Negotiating Coach® Michael E. Sloopka

No part of this copyright material can be used without written permission from Selling Solutions Inc.


Unlock the Secrets of Effective Sales Negotiation: Stop ‘Buying the Sale’ and Boost Your Bottom Line!

Unlock the Secrets of Effective Sales Negotiation: Stop ‘Buying the Sale’ and Boost Your Bottom Line!

There are ongoing troublesome behaviours that continue to plague inexperienced and experienced negotiators

Based on our research and significant experience providing negotiation skills training, negotiating coaching, and consulting expertise to corporations, small business owners, and individuals, it’s apparent that there are ongoing troublesome behaviours that continue to plague inexperienced and experienced salespeople, sales managers, and businesspeople, in any industry, when it comes to negotiating.

I’m not convinced that the millions of dollars companies spend annually on so-called “sales training” adequately improves – or changes most salespeople’s and sales managers’ behaviours.  There is a proliferation of articles, blogs, LinkedIn posts, and numerous videos and webinars that attempt to help people follow a sales process and methodology, uncover customer needs and dominant buying motives, and try to instruct people on how to sell their company’s differentiated value proposition.

Based on the specific customer/account/client circumstances and market conditions, sellers at all levels of selling sophistication often focus too much on a price-based or concession-driven sale.  In most selling situations, salespeople don’t realize that they’re not negotiating correctly – or negotiating at all – and they’re simply “buying the sale.”

The Strategy for a Sales Negotiation

The real art of effective sales negotiating is to complete a satisfactory exchange without giving away more than necessary.

The challenge is identifying all the potential components for exchange and realizing how much value you and, more importantly, your customers/clients/accounts place on each component.  There can be many interdependent variables and moving parts involved in a negotiation.

Most salespeople spend far too much time making excuses or blaming these interdependent variables and moving parts for the less-than-desirable outcome they achieve.  Too often, organizations and salespeople fall victim to their flawed negotiating process and practices.  Their idea of negotiation usually involves an oversimplified barter process using an increasingly expensive package of financial and non-financial concessions that result in the salesperson “buying the sale.”

As the marketplace continues to be increasingly complex and competitive, salespeople (and sometimes their less-than-stellar sales managers) often don’t have the necessary negotiating skills.  Without the required skills, people often resort to the more common and easier-to-do “concession sale.”

The High Cost of Poor Sales Negotiation Skills

Picture this familiar scenario: A salesperson makes what they think are gratuitous concessions, believing they are closing in on an acceptable deal.  However, as they near the opportunity to close the sale, they realize that the other side sees all the concessions made as merely the starting point for a final negotiation.  The salesperson is then “trapped” into making additional concessions to get the business and close the deal, having already committed their company to everything they have “thrown in” along the way.

Not only has the actual transaction cost gone up, but the salesperson can’t be sure that their initial concessions were required in the first place.  One thing is clear: Reclaiming “spent” concessions given to customers is extremely difficult, and those concessions have become part of the ‘base package’ that the customer now expects to receive.

Because negotiating skills are not adequately refined on the selling side, some corporations are experiencing a gradual erosion of their profit margins.

On the buying side, sophisticated customers/clients are more successful at negotiating and increasing their profitability using their “situational power.”  Most sellers are unaware of “situational power” and how they can potentially counter its use.

This challenging dynamic has generated many vulnerable suppliers (sellers) prepared to give more significant concessions at each transaction to maintain their gross sales revenue or unit volume in the face of collapsing profit margins.

Effective Sales Negotiation Strategies and Tips

Here are some effective sales negotiation strategies and tips to help salespeople, sales management, and businesspeople avoid “buying the sale” when negotiating:

  • Learn and follow a disciplined negotiating process and methodology.  Companies and individuals must invest in negotiating skill development and make good negotiation skills and practices an organization-wide capability.
  • Planning and preparation are the most critical components of a negotiating process.  More often than not, salespeople and sales managers “cheat” and don’t do thorough or sufficient research before starting any sales negotiation.  You should always carefully and thoroughly plan and prepare for all sales negotiations  – even if the salesperson and company have existing business relationships with customers.  Why?  Because things are constantly evolving and changing – “You don’t know what you don’t know.”
  • Carefully determine, understand, and correctly diagnose the actual customer decision-making process and authority, wants, needs and dominant buying motive – before developing your price- or solution-based proposals or responses to an RFQ/RFP/RFI bid/tender process.
  • Companies and salespeople must develop and utilize compelling, effective, and persuasive price- and solution-based proposals and capability presentations. (Why buy from our company and me?) Salespeople make costly mistakes when they use the terms “quote or price quote” as part of their sales vocabulary.
  • Learn and understand effective customer value chain management.
  • Capture and record all your costs (e.g., couriers, product samples, technical support, etc.) that you’ve provided to customers during the year and claim value for these costs in the next negotiation.
  • Identify all the financial and non-financial concessions you are prepared to make and fully understand the cost of each potential concession.  Don’t assume there is “value” in a concession because there is cost.
  • Invest in the appropriate negotiation skills training and negotiating coaching and commit to adequately implementing and integrating the negotiating process, strategies, tactics, verbal phrases, scripts, questions, and questioning techniques.
  • Reinforce your negotiating training annually to stay one step ahead of your customers and competitors.

Remember: Nothing affects the bottom line of your company more – or your income more – than having effective sales negotiation strategies and skills.  You can’t make money faster than when you’re negotiating effectively!

Take Action and Invest in Our Expert Negotiating Training and Negotiation Coaching Packages, Negotiation Tools, and Online Course to Become a Better Negotiator.

» Negotiating Skills Training: Book a tailored in-house presentation, seminar or learning workshop for your organization.

Speaking Engagements – Industry Associations and Companies: Book a tailored, engaging, and impactful 60-minute to two-hour presentation at an upcoming meeting, conference or convention.

» Negotiating Coaching Packages: If your company is facing a challenging high-value negotiation and you need an expert to help you or your team – or you own a small business – or you’re an individual who needs practical negotiation advice, you can benefit from my investing in one of my three proven, results-producing negotiation coaching packages for individuals, small business owners or corporations.

» Digital Negotiation Learning Products: You can purchase my three E-books containing powerful strategies and tips.  E-books: Forensic Blueprinting Questions For Effectively Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases and Managing the Price-driven Sale, Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases in Any Economic Environment, and Strategies and Tips on How to Effectively Manage the RFP/RFQ/RFI or Bid/Tender Process to Optimize Results and Outcomes.

You can also purchase the Negotiating Personality Type and Corresponding Negotiating Style Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Interpretation Results and my NEW Digital MP3 “Greatest Hits” Verbal Negotiating Phrases, Scripts, Questions, and Questioning Techniques.  These helpful tools are in digital format and can be easily downloaded.

I provide a discounted Master Negotiator Bundle with all my Digital Learning Products.

» Online Sales Negotiation Course: If you’re in sales, sales management or a cross-functional role that supports sales, you can benefit from enrolling in my NEW self-paced Negotiating for Sales Success online course.

» Meet Negotiating Coach® Michael E. Sloopka

No part of this copyright material can be used without written permission from Selling Solutions Inc.


Five Common Negotiation Mistakes You Must Avoid

Five Common Negotiation Mistakes You Must Avoid

Mastering the Art of Negotiation: Avoiding Common Pitfalls for Success

Negotiation is an essential life skill in our personal, social, and business lives. Whether negotiating the terms and conditions for a purchase order with a supplier, a promotional program with a customer or discussing curfew with your teenager – the art, science, and sport of negotiation is an essential skill that can impact outcomes.

Many people need help understanding and dealing with the common pitfalls hindering their negotiation success.  In this article, I’ll explore the five mistakes people make when negotiating and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Failing to Prepare and Plan Thoroughly

It doesn’t matter whether people are involved in a complex or what people perceive as a straightforward negotiation.  One of the most significant errors in negotiation is that people need to do much better with preparation and planning.

It’s tempting to dive into a negotiation headfirst, but successful negotiators invest time in understanding their objectives, knowing their counterpart’s interests, researching, and anticipating potential objections.  Preparation and planning are the foundation upon which successful negotiations are built.  Without it, you’re navigating uncharted waters blindfolded, and you won’t likely do well.

Mistake #2: Neglecting Active Listening and Not Asking Good Questions

Effective communication is at the heart of negotiation; a crucial component is active listening.  People often get so caught up trying to make their point that they forget to listen to the other side.  When you truly listen, you gain insights into the other person’s needs and motivations.  This information is your most valuable asset in reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.

This mistake is particularly true for most salespeople and sales management.  Stop talking, listen, and ask effective blueprinting questions.  In our negotiation skills training programs and coaching sessions, we provide our clients with proven best practice questions and questioning techniques they can use to improve results in all their negotiations.

Mistake #3: Letting Emotions Dictate the Conversation

Emotions can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decisions.  Letting your emotions take the driver’s seat can be a negotiation disaster, whether anger, fear, frustration, insecurity or impatience.  Instead, practice emotional intelligence.  Recognize your emotions, but don’t let them steer the conversation.  It’s important to understand that arguing intensifies peoples’ desire to prove themselves right.

Do your best to stay composed and rational when facing challenges.  Focus on the process and not the personalities involved in the negotiation.  When meeting confrontational or argumentative people in any negotiation or discussion – we recommend that our clients use the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique.  We also provide our clients with two powerful questions that will help them to separate “content versus emotion” in any negotiation.

Mistake #4: Neglecting Win-Win Solutions

Negotiation is not a zero-sum game.  It’s not about one side winning at the expense of the other.  Strive for a win-win solution that addresses both sides’ interests.  A successful negotiation leaves everyone feeling satisfied and valued, which can lead to better long-term relationships and future opportunities.  I provide my clients with a one-page Negotiating Behaviour Matrix diagram that helps them with their negotiation approach based on concern for substance versus the relationship.

Mistake #5: Overlooking Alternatives

Sometimes, negotiations hit obstacles, impasses, and deadlocks.  If you become fixated on a single solution, you risk overlooking alternative paths to success.  Always have a Plan B (and maybe even a Plan C) in your back pocket.  This flexibility can prevent you from making costly concessions you’ll regret later.  It’s also essential to develop your walk-away position in any negotiation – should the terms and conditions not meet your needs. Broadening the scope of negotiations is one of our three rules for negotiation.


In conclusion, the art, science, and sport of negotiation is a critical skill in both personal and business contexts.  By avoiding these common mistakes – failing to prepare, neglecting active listening, not asking good questions, letting emotions dictate, neglecting win-win solutions, and overlooking alternatives—you can unlock new levels of success at the negotiation table.

Remember, negotiation is not just about getting what you want; it’s about creating value and building meaningful relationships.  So, approach each negotiation with strategy, empathy, and a willingness to explore creative solutions, and watch your success soar.

Take Action and Invest in Our Expert Negotiating Training and Negotiation Coaching Packages, Negotiation Tools, and Online Course to Become a Better Negotiator.

» Negotiating Skills Training: Book a tailored in-house presentation, seminar or learning workshop for your organization.

Speaking Engagements – Industry Associations and Companies: Book a tailored, engaging, and impactful 60-minute to two-hour presentation at an upcoming meeting, conference or convention.

» Negotiating Coaching Packages: If your company is facing a challenging high-value negotiation and you need an expert to help you or your team – or you own a small business – or you’re an individual who needs practical negotiation advice, you can benefit from my investing in one of my three proven, results-producing negotiation coaching packages for individuals, small business owners or corporations.

» Digital Negotiation Learning Products: You can purchase my three E-books containing powerful strategies and tips.  E-books: Forensic Blueprinting Questions For Effectively Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases and Managing the Price-driven Sale, Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases in Any Economic Environment, and Strategies and Tips on How to Effectively Manage the RFP/RFQ/RFI or Bid/Tender Process to Optimize Results and Outcomes.

You can also purchase the Negotiating Personality Type and Corresponding Negotiating Style Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Interpretation Results and my NEW Digital MP3 “Greatest Hits” Verbal Negotiating Phrases, Scripts, Questions, and Questioning Techniques.  These helpful tools are in digital format and can be easily downloaded.

I provide a discounted Master Negotiator Bundle with all my Digital Learning Products.

» Online Sales Negotiation Course: If you’re in sales, sales management or a cross-functional role that supports sales, you can benefit from enrolling in my NEW self-paced Negotiating for Sales Success online course.

» Meet Negotiating Coach® Michael E. Sloopka

No part of this copyright material can be used without written permission from Selling Solutions Inc.


The Art of Negotiating: Business, Social, and Personal Negotiations

The Art of Negotiating: Business, Social, and Personal Negotiations

The Impact of Negotiation in All Aspects of Life

Negotiation is a cornerstone of human interaction, impacting our personal lives and the commercial landscape.  Negotiating is an essential life skill that transcends boundaries, weaving through the fabric of our existence, from the boardroom, a meeting with a key account, to the family dinner table.

In this article, I’ll delve into the definition of negotiation in commercial, social, and personal contexts, unveiling the common threads that bind these seemingly distinct domains.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines negotiation as “the process of discussing something with someone to reach an agreement or the discussions themselves.”

Negotiation can also be explained as a strategic discussion intended to resolve an issue in a way both parties find acceptable. Negotiation can be a dialogue between two or more parties to resolve points of difference, gain an advantage for an individual or collective, or craft outcomes to satisfy various interests.

However, many “definitions” available in the public domain are unhelpful when we teach or coach our clients.  The terms “negotiation or negotiating” are overused, misunderstood or misinterpreted in the media, and most people rarely understand negotiating.

When I start our negotiating training seminars or negotiation workshops, I often ask participants how they define negotiating.  After a few minutes of me looking at blank stares in the audience – or receiving inaccurate responses, most people need help defining the term – it’s critical to describe what negotiating is – before we teach people our negotiating methodology, strategies, and tactics.

Our Definition of Negotiation/Negotiating:

We define commercial negotiations as the disciplined process to determine what is of value to the other side without giving away things that are of no value/importance to them that cost you – or your company money.

In a personal negotiation, we define negotiating as the means of moving an involved party to some degree in a desired direction.  Negotiating is defined as the essence of progress in a personal or social situation.

The Commercial Arena: Defining Negotiation

In the commercial/business world, negotiation is often seen as a structured process of reaching agreements, typically centred around tangible assets, services, or contractual terms.  It can be a high-stakes dance where parties strive to maximize their gains while minimizing concessions.

Commercial negotiations can occur between businesses, individuals and businesses, or within organizations.

Critical Elements of Commercial Negotiation:

  1. Objective-driven: In commercial negotiations, there are clear objectives – profit, market share, cost reduction, etc.  Success is often measured in quantifiable terms, making it imperative to create a well-defined strategy.
  2. Legal Framework: Commercial negotiations are guided by contracts and legal frameworks, ensuring that both sides fulfill their obligations and that there are repercussions for breaches.
  3. Expertise and Preparation: Due diligence, market analysis, and thorough preparation are vital. The sides involved in a negotiation come to the table with data, facts, and a deep understanding of their counterpart’s needs and constraints.
  4. Competitive Edge: Negotiations in business are typically competitive, where each side seeks to gain an advantage over the other.  This competitive spirit drives innovation and economic progress.

The Personal Sphere: A Different Angle on Negotiation

In contrast, personal negotiations are often less structured and revolve around relationships, emotions, and intangible needs.  Whether deciding on a vacation destination with your partner, significant other or spouse – or you’re trying to negotiate with children over chores on a Saturday morning – personal negotiations are integral to daily life.

Key Elements of Personal Negotiation:

  1. Relationship-Centric: Personal negotiations are rooted in relationships.  The aim is not just to reach an agreement; however, the goal is to maintain harmony and strengthen bonds.
  2. Emotional Quotient: Emotions play a significant role.  Empathy, understanding, and emotional intelligence are vital for navigating personal negotiations successfully.
  3. Informal Nature: Unlike commercial negotiations, personal negotiations often lack formal contracts and legal consequences. Trust and verbal agreements are the glue that holds personal negotiations together.
  4. Mutual Satisfaction: In personal negotiations, the goal is not just individual gain but mutual satisfaction.  Striking a balance between individual needs and the relationship’s needs is critical.

The Interplay: Where the Lines Blur

While commercial and personal negotiations may seem worlds apart, they’re not entirely distinct.  In reality, the negotiation skills, strategies, tactics, techniques, and principles from one sphere often prove useful in the other.

  • Communication: Effective communication is a common denominator.  Active listening, clearly expressing needs, and building rapport are valuable in both arenas.
  • Problem-Solving: Negotiation is fundamentally about solving problems and finding common ground.  Whether closing a business deal or resolving a family conflict, the art of reaching for compromise and creative problem-solving is essential.
  • Ethics and Integrity: Integrity and ethical behaviour are vital in commercial and personal negotiations.  Trust is fragile, and once broken, it’s challenging to rebuild.


In conclusion, negotiation is a versatile art that transcends boundaries.  While commercial negotiations are often structured and objective-driven, personal negotiations are imbued with emotions and focused on relationships.  Yet, both spheres share commonalities in communication, problem-solving, and ethics.  Understanding these shared elements can enhance your skills in both domains, making you a more adept and empathetic negotiator.

So, whether you’re closing a multimillion-dollar deal or mediating a household dispute, remember that negotiation is about more than just reaching an agreement – it’s about forging connections and achieving mutual satisfaction.

Take Action and Invest in Our Expert Negotiating Training and Negotiation Coaching Packages, Negotiation Tools, and Online Course to Become a Better Negotiator.

» Negotiating Skills Training: Book a tailored in-house presentation, seminar or learning workshop for your organization.

Speaking Engagements – Industry Associations and Companies: Book a tailored, engaging, and impactful 60-minute to two-hour presentation at an upcoming meeting, conference or convention.

» Negotiating Coaching Packages: If your company is facing a challenging high-value negotiation and you need an expert to help you or your team – or you own a small business – or you’re an individual who needs practical negotiation advice, you can benefit from my investing in one of my three proven, results-producing negotiation coaching packages for individuals, small business owners or corporations.

» Digital Negotiation Learning Products: You can purchase my three E-books containing powerful strategies and tips.  E-books: Forensic Blueprinting Questions For Effectively Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases and Managing the Price-driven Sale, Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases in Any Economic Environment, and Strategies and Tips on How to Effectively Manage the RFP/RFQ/RFI or Bid/Tender Process to Optimize Results and Outcomes.

You can also purchase the Negotiating Personality Type and Corresponding Negotiating Style Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Interpretation Results and my NEW Digital MP3 “Greatest Hits” Verbal Negotiating Phrases, Scripts, Questions, and Questioning Techniques.  These helpful tools are in digital format and can be easily downloaded.

I provide a discounted Master Negotiator Bundle with all my Digital Learning Products.

» Online Sales Negotiation Course: If you’re in sales, sales management or a cross-functional role that supports sales, you can benefit from enrolling in my NEW self-paced Negotiating for Sales Success online course.

» Meet Negotiating Coach® Michael E. Sloopka

No part of this copyright material can be used without written permission from Selling Solutions Inc.


8 Tips for Negotiating in the Digital Era – Be Careful of the Pitfalls!

8 Tips for Negotiating in the Digital Era – Be Careful of the Pitfalls!

Navigating the Digital Landscape: Strategies to Avoid Common Negotiation Traps

Electronic negotiations have become the norm in today’s fast-paced and competitive business world and the post-COVID environment (residual reduced face-to-face contact.)  In a professional capacity, people working in sales, procurement, and cross-functional departments often navigate the challenging terrain of e-mail threads, PDF attachments, proposals, RFP/RFQ/price quote responses, and Zoom calls to close profitable deals promptly.

However, there’s a significant catch – purchasing/supply chain professionals now have a distinct advantage when negotiations move into the digital realm. In this article, I’ll explore some of the pitfalls of electronic negotiations and provide essential tips to help people level the playing field.

I’m not a proponent of salespeople negotiating digitally.  However, I understand there are a variety of limitations that may limit in-person meetings.  If possible and feasible, I advise my clients in the sales profession that all high-value and strategically important negotiations should occur in person.

The Digital Disadvantage

Salespeople, especially those who rely heavily on face-to-face interactions, can be disadvantaged in the electronic negotiation arena.  Here are some common pitfalls:

  1. The Importance of Body Language and the Loss of Some Non-Verbal Cues: In-person negotiations allow us to read body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.  In e-mails and on some Zoom/Microsoft Teams (or other platforms) calls, these valuable cues are often lost, making it challenging to gauge the other party’s true intent.
  2. Delayed Responses: E-mail negotiations can lead to prolonged response times, causing frustration and potentially allowing the other party to control the pace of the negotiation.
  3. Misinterpretation: Written communication can often be misinterpreted, leading to misunderstandings that could derail the negotiation process.  This is especially true when some people use lazy and poorly written correspondence.

Mastering the Art of Electronic Negotiations

To become a better negotiator in today’s digital world, people must adapt their approach and utilize effective strategies to succeed in electronic negotiations.  Here are some tips to help you navigate this digital landscape:

  1. Craft Clear and Concise E-mails: Avoid lengthy, convoluted e-mails.  Be direct and organized – use bullet points or numbered lists to make your points stand out.  Write new and clear e-mail subject line titles.  Please stop sending e-mails on top of e-mail threads irrelevant to the new topic.  Make sure you incorporate deadlines, incentives, and penalties.  Don’t be lazy!
  2. Set the Tone: Begin with a polite and professional tone in your e-mails.  Clearly state your objectives and expectations for the negotiation process.
  3. Use the Power of Video: In negotiations using a digital platform, leverage video to establish a more personal connection. Maintain eye contact, smile, and project confidence.  Be careful about distracting and silly background images/props/furniture/bookshelves/artwork that people can see on Zoom calls.  Invest in proper technology. P.S. – I teach people how to look for, analyze, and decipher important clues about people’s personality types and corresponding negotiating styles from visual background images in virtual meetings.
  4. Request Real-Time Communication: Suggest real-time discussions through Zoom or other video conferencing platforms when appropriate.  This can help clarify details and build rapport.
  5. Hidden Meanings in Conversation: Pay meticulous attention to what you say/write.  Be alert regarding what the other side says or writes in negotiations.
  6. Mind Your Language: Be cautious with your choice of words.  Avoid jargon or ambiguous phrases that could be misinterpreted. Seek clarity and confirmation when necessary.
  7. Employ PDF Attachments Strategically: When sending price- or solution-based proposals, value proposition documents, or RFP/RFI/RFQ documents, ensure they are well-written and organized, easy to navigate, and visually appealing/interesting.  Use annotations or highlights to draw attention to critical points.  Contact me to learn more about the problems and opportunities associated with using the term “quote” in negotiations.
  8. Practice Patience: Don’t rush electronic negotiations.  Give the other side adequate time to respond and consider their position.  Impatience can lead to concessions that you might later regret.

During our negotiation skills training seminars, workshops, and negotiating coaching sessions, we provide our clients with turnkey examples, samples, templates, and tools to help people improve their communication practices to manage the negotiation process.  These “done for you” templates and tools help people close profitable deals successfully.


In the age of electronic negotiations, businesspeople in any industry must adapt and refine their skills to succeed.  While it’s true that purchasing professionals may have some advantages in the digital negotiating landscape, mastering the art of electronic negotiation is a crucial step toward levelling the playing field for salespeople and sales management.

You can build trust and foster successful negotiations by crafting explicit, concise e-mails, setting the right tone, and using technology effectively.  Electronic negotiations require negotiation skill development, patience, adaptability, and a keen understanding of digital dynamics.  With the tips from this article in your arsenal, you can navigate the digital negotiation landscape with greater confidence and success.

Take Action and Invest in Our Expert Negotiating Training and Negotiation Coaching Packages, Negotiation Tools, and Online Course to Become a Better Negotiator.

» Negotiating Skills Training: Book a tailored in-house presentation, seminar or learning workshop for your organization.

Speaking Engagements – Industry Associations and Companies: Book a tailored, engaging, and impactful 60-minute to two-hour presentation at an upcoming meeting, conference or convention.

» Negotiating Coaching Packages: If your company is facing a challenging high-value negotiation and you need an expert to help you or your team – or you own a small business – or you’re an individual who needs practical negotiation advice, you can benefit from my investing in one of my three proven, results-producing negotiation coaching packages for individuals, small business owners or corporations.

» Digital Negotiation Learning Products: You can purchase my three E-books containing powerful strategies and tips.  E-books: Forensic Blueprinting Questions For Effectively Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases and Managing the Price-driven Sale, Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases in Any Economic Environment, and Strategies and Tips on How to Effectively Manage the RFP/RFQ/RFI or Bid/Tender Process to Optimize Results and Outcomes.

You can also purchase the Negotiating Personality Type and Corresponding Negotiating Style Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Interpretation Results and my NEW Digital MP3 “Greatest Hits” Verbal Negotiating Phrases, Scripts, Questions, and Questioning Techniques.  These helpful tools are in digital format and can be easily downloaded.

I provide a discounted Master Negotiator Bundle with all my Digital Learning Products.

» Online Sales Negotiation Course: If you’re in sales, sales management or a cross-functional role that supports sales, you can benefit from enrolling in my NEW self-paced Negotiating for Sales Success online course.

» Meet Negotiating Coach® Michael E. Sloopka

No part of this copyright material can be used without written permission from Selling Solutions Inc.


Unmasking the Use of “Mirroring” in Negotiations: Is it Manipulation?

Unmasking the Use of “Mirroring” in Negotiations: Is it Manipulation?

Mirroring: Building Rapport or Manipulation? The Truth Unveiled.

In negotiation and communication, mirroring is often promoted as a technique for building rapport and understanding.  However, what if I told you that beneath the seemingly innocent act of mirroring lies a subtle form of manipulation?  

It’s time to shed light on this often misunderstood and misapplied technique and provide insights and strategies to help people navigate mirroring.

The Mirroring Mirage

Mirroring, in essence, involves mimicking another person’s behaviour, gestures, speech patterns, or even emotions.  Its proponents will argue that mirroring fosters trust and connection – making it an invaluable skill in negotiations, sales, and interpersonal relationships.

However, mirroring can sometimes be less about building trust and more about subtly steering conversations and influencing decisions in a desired direction – theirs, not yours.

The Deceptive Dance

Mirroring can be a covert tactic that some skilled negotiators employ to disarm you.  The people who use mirroring want to make you feel understood and ultimately lead you down their chosen path.  When done with ill intent, mirroring can be manipulative, making you more susceptible to persuasion that may not be in your best interest.

Here are some signs that you might be on the receiving end of someone using the mirroring technique:

  1. Too Perfect Parallels: If someone mirrors your words and actions to an uncanny degree, it’s a tell-tale sign of manipulation. Authentic mirroring typically involves subtle similarities, not exact replicas.
  2. Over-Engaged Agreement: Be wary of those who mirror your opinions and nod their head excessively.  This could be an attempt to create a false sense of alignment.  Pay careful attention to body language and hidden meanings in conversation.
  3. Constant Validation: When someone consistently affirms your emotions without offering their perspective, it could be a mirroring tactic to keep you on a particular emotional track.
How to Counteract Mirroring

Now that I’ve unveiled the mirroring mirage let’s explore strategies to counteract it effectively:

  1. Stay Mindful: Be aware of your behaviour and emotions during a conversation.  Recognize when mirroring is happening and assess whether it’s genuine or manipulative.
  2. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage the other side to express their thoughts and opinions freely.  This strategy can disrupt the mirroring pattern and reveal the other side’s true intentions.
  3. Vary Your Responses: Instead of matching every move, deliberately change your behaviour. This will make it harder for the other person to mirror you effectively.
  4. Trust Your Gut: Trust your instincts if something feels off in a conversation.  Feel free to pause, reflect, or even seek a second opinion before making decisions.
  5. Seek Clarity: Ask for clarification when you suspect mirroring is at play.  This can prompt a more genuine conversation and expose any hidden agendas.

Mirroring can be a double-edged sword in the world of negotiation and communication.  While it can foster connection and trust when used authentically, it can also be a manipulative tool in the wrong hands. As professionals and individuals, our power lies in our ability to discern between genuine rapport-building and covert manipulation.

By staying mindful, asking the right questions, trusting our instincts, and learning counter maneuvers, we can navigate the mirroring maze with confidence and authenticity.

Take Action and Invest in Our Expert Negotiating Training and Negotiation Coaching Packages, Negotiation Tools, and Online Course to Become a Better Negotiator.

» Negotiating Skills Training: Book a tailored in-house presentation, seminar or learning workshop for your organization.

Speaking Engagements – Industry Associations and Companies: Book a tailored, engaging, and impactful 60-minute to two-hour presentation at an upcoming meeting, conference or convention.

» Negotiating Coaching Packages: If your company is facing a challenging high-value negotiation and you need an expert to help you or your team – or you own a small business – or you’re an individual who needs practical negotiation advice, you can benefit from my investing in one of my three proven, results-producing negotiation coaching packages for individuals, small business owners or corporations.

» Digital Negotiation Learning Products: You can purchase my three E-books containing powerful strategies and tips.  E-books: Forensic Blueprinting Questions For Effectively Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases and Managing the Price-driven Sale, Selling and Negotiating Price or Fee Increases in Any Economic Environment, and Strategies and Tips on How to Effectively Manage the RFP/RFQ/RFI or Bid/Tender Process to Optimize Results and Outcomes.

You can also purchase the Negotiating Personality Type and Corresponding Negotiating Style Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Interpretation Results and my NEW Digital MP3 “Greatest Hits” Verbal Negotiating Phrases, Scripts, Questions, and Questioning Techniques.  These helpful tools are in digital format and can be easily downloaded.

I provide a discounted Master Negotiator Bundle with all my Digital Learning Products.

» Online Sales Negotiation Course: If you’re in sales, sales management or a cross-functional role that supports sales, you can benefit from enrolling in my NEW self-paced Negotiating for Sales Success online course.

» Meet Negotiating Coach® Michael E. Sloopka

No part of this copyright material can be used without written permission from Selling Solutions Inc.
